US Market Specialist
WSC can provide to your company the expertise of the US beverage industry
Global economic conditions are having a dramatic impact on every aspect of business decisions. At this juncture, all major issues confronting companies are being dealt with fear and uncertainty.
National studies examine key components of commercial activity that specialize in beverage. In today’s service economy, the retention of professional services firm by middle market companies. The analytical focuses on the decision – making criteria and attendant purchasing trends.
To increase your chances of success, you will need to have a full understanding of:
- your demographic target
- your competition in this market
- the purchasing trends of your customers
WSC will be sure that you have all these components before the final production.
Through our services we will aid to:
- Modify, change or adapt your final product to fit the US market.
- Develop the right POS and put together your product presentation.
- Create the right product campaign to the exact segment of the market.
- Analyze the distribution logistics
- Build customer and consumer programs.
- Create a master press calendar to submit your product to the professional press.
- Create social media and web site exposure.
- Establish a full forecast investment marketing calendar.